2021 has been a challenging and unprecedented year for all of us in the MICE and Events industry. And at SACEOS, our role of advocating and supporting the industry in its recovery has never been more critical. More than ever, as the national trade association of the MICE and Events industry in Singapore, we remain committed to our mission to empower Community, Commerce and Capabilities.
While the community has been brought physically apart due to the COVID-19 restrictions and measures, SACEOS has continued to engage and connect our partners through various initiatives, programmes, events and advocacy work with the government.
Here is a look-back at some of our key highlights and initiatives for 2021:
SG SafeEvent Certification
The SG SafeEvent Certification Programme was launched in April to deliver a sense of confidence for visitors and organisers and a mark of assurance for enterprises in adhering to the highest standards of hygiene and safe management measures. Since the launch, close to 90 companies have signed up and nearly 60 obtaining the certification. Find out more about the SG SafeEvent Certification here.
SG SafeEvent Ambassadors
In partnership with the NTUC Learning Hub, we have trained over 3,400 SafeEvent Ambassadors who are operationally ready to be deployed at Safe Events to ensure these events adhere to the construct, conduct and compliance of safe events in Singapore. Find out more here.
Joint Leadership Summit of AEO / SACEOS / SISO / UFI – Singapore & Launch of Asia CEO Summit
Supported by Singapore Tourism Board (STB) and co-organised by Singapore Association for Convention & Exhibition Organisers & Suppliers (SACEOS), Association of Event Organisers (AEO), Society for Independent Show Organizers (SISO) and UFI, the Global Association of the Exhibition Industry, the JLS convened regional government representatives, major global organisers and trade association leaders on an action plan for the safe reopening of the business events industry in the region. The event also saw the launch of the Asia CEO Summit which will take place from 4- 6 October 2022 at the Fullerton Hotel, Singapore. Find out more here.
Voice of MICE & Events industry Survey
To provide a voice to the SACEOS community in sharing the issues, challenges and help needed so that we can better support the industry, we conducted a Voice of MICE and Events Industry Survey in June. 93 companies and 22 industry leaders took part in the survey which was supported by Enterprise Singapore. The survey results will be shared at a SACEOS community event in late November. Do stay tuned.
SMF x IBTM Wired
In partnership with Reed Exhibitions, we delivered SMF X IBTM Wired, a live in-person conference which took place at Marina Bay Sands in Singapore and broadcast online to all IBTM Wired attendees on 28 June 2021. The event focused on providing a spotlight for the Asia Pacific region, and also exploring new ways of thinking and innovation.
New Membership CRM, SACEOS Website and App
To transform the SACEOS membership experience, we migrated to a new membership CRM system where members can connect with the community, manage their membership, stay up-to-date and register for the latest events and courses. We also launched our new all-in-one SACEOS website in September to serve as the go-to platform for the industry to empower Community, Commerce and Capabilities. And to bring the SACEOS experience to another level, we launched My SACEOS App which allows members to connect and engage with the community wherever they are.
Strategic Narratives and Designing Innovative Hybrid Events masterclasses
We have worked with partners to equip our industry workforce with the skills and capabilities needed for hybrid and virtual events, through our courses such as Masterclasses on Strategic Narratives and Designing Innovative Hybrid Events. To develop innovative and sustainable business models for the industry, we have also partnered with academia such as Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD). Learn more about our courses and programmes here.
Building Trust and Strengthening Accountability with the Enhanced PDPA
The webinar aimed to help SACEOS members stay updated on how the enhanced PDPA supports businesses and enables better use of data to speed up recovery and innovate in the data-fuelled environment. Members also learnt about IMDA’s Data Protection Trustmark (DPTM) certification and how it can help strengthen consumer and regulator trust to enhance your competitive edge in the digital economy.
Adopting Technology to support Safe Opening for the MICE industry
In partnership with Viatick and Trakomatic, we organised this webinar to help event organisers how to manage physical events easier, safer and more effectively without relying heavily on extra resources.
How has the pandemic affected our mental state of mind
In partnership with NTUC U FSE and Institute of Mental Health, the webinar aimed to help the community understand the 6 facets of mental wellness, signs and symptoms to look out for and where and when to seek professional help.
Forging a Career in the MICE and Events Industry Webinar
To help the industry engage and connect with the next generation of MICE talent, we held a “Forging a Career in the MICE & Events Industry” Webinar on 10 November 2021 exclusively for students from various educational institutions in Singapore. We also offered all SACEOS members who are hiring for internship or job roles complimentary listings in our first circular to students and alumni from educational institutions.
Enterprise Boost Day
To help our enterprises learn how they can Rebuild Manpower and Recharge Capital as MICE events progressively reopen, we held our first Enterprise Boost Day on 1 December 2021.Â
Attendees gleaned valuable insights from Workforce Singapore on how they can equip their workforce for emerging roles. Enterprise Singapore and Singapore Manufacturing Federation also shared on the financial support available for enterprises. Lastly, we reviewed the current state and challenges of the industry through sharing of results from SACEOS’ Voice of MICE & Events Industry Survey.
Watch the Enterprise Boost Day webinar here.
We are excited about the next phase of MICE and Events reopening in 2022 and we hope to continue bringing the SACEOS Community together and supporting the industry’s revival in the new Covid-as-Endemic normal.Â