Singapore MICE Forum

The Singapore MICE Forum (SMF) returns on 25-26 July 2024 – where Moments & Momentum converge to create a unique and unparalleled experience in our dynamic MICE industry! SMF 2024 comes on the back of a stellar year for the industry which saw strong comeback of events in Singapore and the region.
After a resoundingly successful SMF 2023 which welcomed over 400 delegates and 20 exhibitors, SMF 2024 is set to be even bigger and better. Organised by SACEOS, it will feature a 2-day conference with an stellar line-up of industry speakers as well as dedicated workshops and tracks specially curated for industry professionals across all career stages.
So, join us for a transformative experience where leaders and innovators come together to explore the intersection of Moments and Momentum. Be inspired by the possibilities, forge valuable connections, and contribute to the collective drive that shape the landscape of business events.
Find out more and register for #SMF2024 here. Early bird rates end 31 May 2024!
Singapore MICE Awards

Singapore MICE Challenge

In the heart of Singapore’s vibrant events landscape, a new chapter in the MICE industry unfolds as Moments and Momentum converge to inspire a generation of student innovators. The Singapore MICE Challenge 2024 opens its doors to students from Institutes of Higher Learning (IHLs) including Polytechnics, Institute of Technical Education (ITE), and local universities, inviting them to explore the transformative power of Moments and the unstoppable force of Momentum within our dynamic industry.
This year, SMC 2024 will take on the theme “Moments and Momentum”, focusing on Digitalisation, Design Thinking, Sustainability and Wellness. Teams are invited to curate an event that explores the convergence of Moments and Momentum – to infuse their project with the infectious energy of Momentum while prioritising the creation of meaningful Moments that resonate deeply with attendees. The SMC 2024 Finals will take place on 26 July 2024.
Come and be inspired by the exciting new ideas and innovation as the next generation of talent reimagine the future of MICE!
Find out more and register for #SMC2024 here.