We are pleased to present the SACEOS 44th Executive Committee (2023-2024) which was elected at the 43rd Annual General Meeting held at Hard Rock Hotel, Singapore, on 18 May 2023.
Join us in congratulating the newly elected Executive Committee who has been bestowed the mandate by SACEOS members to lead the MICE industry forward in the next chapter of growth. Find out more about the EXCO members here.
We would also like to express our heartfelt appreciation to the outgoing 43rd Executive Committee members for their contribution and commitment to the industry during their term.
Richard Ireland, President, SACEOS, said: “Together with the SACEOS 44th Executive Committee, we are humbled and privileged to be given the trust to lead the Association and MICE industry into an exciting new chapter of growth. The industry has made a strong comeback since its reopening and is on track to recover to pre-pandemic levels over the next few years. Therefore, as the voice and champion of MICE, the role of SACEOS has never been more important during this important phase of growth for the industry.
“While the outlook for the industry is very positive, there remain challenges such as manpower, talent and sustainability. And SACEOS is committed to collaborating with our members, industry players and the government in addressing the challenges so as to advance the industry’s growth and strengthen Singapore’s position as a leading global MICE destination.”
Over the coming weeks, you will be hearing more from the 44th Executive Committee on their vision and plans for the new term. We look forward to working with our members, industry players and the government to make MICE a more vibrant, prosperous and sustainable industry.
If you have any questions or feedback, please do not hesitate to reach out to us at [email protected].
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