- 23 March 2022
To help the industry better understand the streamlined Safe Management Measures (SMMs) effective 15 March 2022 and how it will impact MICE events, we have consolidated the Frequently Asked Questions and clarifications from Singapore Tourism Board. We will be updating the FAQs page with more questions as they come in, so do check back the page regularly or subscribe to us here.
We hope these will help our members and industry ready themselves for the next stage of reopening.
If you require any assistance or have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected].
- There is no restriction to the types of event venues allowed as long as the venues can be hired as a function centre and are able to implement measures under the Safe Business Events Framework.
- Meal components of MICE events can be held at F&B establishments, provided there is a full buy-out of the F&B establishment. In addition, EOs must also comply with the following prevailing SMMs for F&B establishments as stated in ESG’s advisory. https://www.enterprisesg.gov.sg/covid-19/safe-distance#FBÂ
For a full buy-out of the F&B outlet, event organisers will need to book the entire restaurant for the meal(s). Buying out the private dining room while the rest of the restaurant is opened to the public is not considered as a full buy-out.
The total capacity limit at any point in time will include all participants of the event, including exhibitors, media attending the event, speakers, participants’ liaison officers, etc. All other EO staff and external service providers at the event venue are included.
For events spread out over multiple floors, total capacity for the entire event at any one time will be calculated by adding total capacity across all event premises.
The 50% capacity limit is only applicable at any point in time, i.e. headcount can be replaced on a rolling basis. This means that if 10 guests exit, 10 new guests can then enter to replace this headcount.
Yes, participants will be able to move freely between different premises of the event space.
Yes, total capacity for the entire event is defined by the total contracted gross floor area of the event. In this case, total capacity is equivalent to capacity of 1 plenary room and 10 breakout rooms. If total attendance exceeds 1,000, a 50% capacity limit will then be imposed.
No, participants are not required to return to the same seats after each break. However, each group of 5 must be kept consistent throughout the meal, if any (i.e. no intermingling across tables and switching tables during the meal).
- PET is not required at MICE events. However, EOs will need to ensure all participants are fully vaccinated or are within the 180-day exemption period after recovery from COVID-19.
- *An individual is considered fully vaccinated if they (a) have received the full regimen of a WHO EUL vaccine, or (b) are within the 180-day exemption period after recovery from COVID-19. From 14 February 2022, participants residing in Singapore aged 18 years and above and who have completed the primary vaccination series will be considered fully vaccinated for up to 270 days after the last dose of the primary vaccination status. Thereafter, such participants who are eligible for booster vaccination must do so in order to remain fully vaccinated. Refer to https://file.go.gov.sg/vdsmminfo.pdf for more details on vaccination status.
Coffee and tea may be left on the table after meals. Participants may unmask momentarily to drink but not be unmasked throughout the day. There should be regular reminders for participants to be masked when not eating or drinking.
Staff are required to be fully vaccinated. While not mandatory, EOs may internally conduct pre-event ARTs for staff to reduce risks of transmission and provide peace of mind to participants.
While not mandatory to provide hand sanitisers, we highly encourage event organisers to establish and provide appropriate measures such as hand sanitisers and to reduce risks of transmission and ensure safety of participants.
While it is no longer mandatory to establish an isolation room, EOs are to establish and apply appropriate internal policies, procedures and controls to mitigate the risk from the activities identified as presenting a higher risk of the transmission of COVID-19. This may include more stringent requirements such as setting aside an isolation room for symptomatic participants.
No, networking and social events where participants are standing will not be allowed to resume at this point of time.
Sharing plates and buffets (staff-served or otherwise) are not allowed. Meals must be plated in individual servings only.
Recorded music and footage may be played while F&B is served. However, live performances and entertainment are not allowed. For avoidance of doubt, please refer, to NAC’s guidelines
The prevailing F&B guidelines for MICE events would apply. Within the exhibition area or booth, there would need to be a clearly-designated area for F&B consumption, no F&B is permitted outside these areas. Participants must remain seated throughout the duration that F&B is served, and are not permitted to intermingle between tables during this time. Participants must remain masked when not actively eating or drinking. Event organisers are also encouraged to sanitise and clear the tables after visitors take their leave.
All consumption of F&B must abide by the abovementioned F&B protocols (i.e. only at designated areas, participants must remain seated with no intermingling across tables). Participants must remain masked when not actively eating or drinking. While food sampling while standing is not permitted, this is currently under review and STB will provide an update in due course.
At mealtimes, 1m safe distancing would not apply within a group of 5 pax, but must be implemented between each group of 5. For a long table with >5 pax seated, EOs may opt to either implement a 1m safe distance between clusters of 5pax or implement the 1m safe distancing between each individual.
Live performances are permitted, however they must be incidental and not the main feature of the event. Live performances must also adhere to NAC’s guidelines for live performances, which can be found on the NAC website (https://www.nac.gov.sg/support/covid-19/safe-management-measures-smms/updated-resumption-of-live-performances).
The requirement to submit a MICE event application remains. Both the Event Organiser and Event Venue
(collectively, EOs) must submit an application for STB’s assessment and for the Ministry of Trade and Industry (MTI) to approve the EO carrying out the event. EOs must submit their application at least 1 month prior to each MICE event. STB and MTI will take up to 14 business days to assess each application.
While it is not mandatory for EOs to continue tracking whether attendees has contracted COVID-19 after the event, we highly encourage event organisers to establish and execute appropriate measures, to reduce risks of transmission following the event.
Events with solely an awards ceremony component are not eligible to apply as a MICE event.
International participants are to adhere to the same guidelines as locals. This includes VDS measures and other health protocols such as mask-wearing, adherence to safe-distancing, and SafeEntry by TraceTogether app.
Participants are to also adhere to prevailing testing regimes and requirements outlined as part of their travel entry lane to Singapore. No additional requirements are imposed on international participants..