We are pleased to present to you the SACEOS 43rd Executive Committee (2022-2023) which was elected at the 42nd Annual General Meeting on 4 March 2022.
Join us in congratulating the new EXCO leaders who have been given the mandate and trust by the SACEOS community to bring the MICE and Events industry forward in our next phase of recovery. We look forward to your support and working closely with you in helping the industry build back stronger.
We would also like to express our heartfelt appreciation to the outgoing 42nd EXCO members for their contribution and dedication to the industry during these challenging times.
Over the coming weeks, you will be hearing more from the EXCO on their vision and plans in contributing to the revival of the industry. Do stay tuned and follow us on our social media platforms to receive the latest updates, content and events!
Richard Ireland, President, SACEOS, said, “After 2 challenging years, the MICE and Events industry finds itself at a critical phase in our journey towards recovery. 2022 needs to see a move towards a more normalised environment and we are hopeful that with the government’s commitment towards living with Covid as an Endemic, we are firmly on that pathway. While we all have a long way to go, I believe we can achieve great things if we work together as a MICE community. Together with the 43rd EXCO, we look forward to serving you and helping the industry chart the next phase of recovery.”
Join in the conversation and connect with other members through our SACEOS Membership Community Group. Simply sign in or register with the email address from which you received this notice. If you require any assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected]
We look forward to your support and working closely with you in this new and exciting chapter.
Anthea Tan, Honorary Secretary, SACEOS
42nd AGM Photo Gallery